I found myself staring at the fruit bowl on my table contemplating on which fruit I craved. The voice inside my head, said ALL! This is when I decided to see how it would taste if I combined the mango, avocado and orange. My little experiment, topped off with toasted pine nuts was DELICIOUS! Ahh, this is the joy of not-cooking and savoring the wonderful flavors nature brings us. I figured this would make a great salad for entertaining, especially in summer. Enjoy it my friends.
Oranges, Mango and Avocado Salad
1 mango, diced
1 avocado, diced
1 orange, segmented
1 T freeze dried basil (approx)*
1 T of good quality Avocado oil (approx, plus you can substitute with good quality Olive oil as well)
salt and pepper to taste
toasted pine nuts
Add all ingredients to a large bowl, gently toss to combine. Top with pine nuts.
* Note, I’ll add fresh basil next time if I have it in stock.