Jicama What? Here’s explanination and link to Jicama Salad Recipe

Came across this recipe on Epicurious.com today of a Jicama Salad with Lime Juice and Fresh Mint
(SELF, July 2009, Chef Jimmy Shaw, Loteria Grill) and although I have yet to try this specific recipe, it’s sounds like a great salad and it looks so good I wanted to share it with you! (click the link above for the recipe.)

Recipe got me to thinking that many people I speak with don’t know what Jicama is, so wanted to tell you more about this legume that looks like a turnip.

  • Jicama skin, typically peeled best with a potato peeler, is a tan/brown color and it’s flesh is white. (Usually do peel before eating.)
  • Jicama is a popular dietary staple in Latin America and widely grown in Mexico and Central America. Also referred to as a Mexican potato and the Chinese potato.
  • Can be used as an alternative to the water chestnut.
  • Doesn’t discolor when exposed to the open air for awhile.
  • Raw jicama is often used as an accompaniment to raw vegetable platters.
  • When jicama is used in cooking it tends to take on the flavors of the ingredients that it is being combined with. (It’s is a nice complement to stir-fry dishes)
  • Jicama is available year-round. When purchasing jicama, select tubers that are firm and have dry roots. Make sure that the jicama has an unblemished skin and that is not bruised. Once purchased, store jicama for up to two weeks in your refrigerator.
  • With only 46 calories for 1 cup of sliced Jicama and it’s high amount of vitamin C — seems like a good food you should try.

Let me know what you think about Jicama!

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